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What to Expect Before, During, and After Kyphoplasty

Vertebral compression fractures are a common result of weakening bones. Age, along with medical conditions such as osteoporosis, can cause your bones to lose mass and get brittle over time. The bones in your spine, called vertebrae, are no exception to the dangers of bone loss.

Compression fractures develop when the bones in your spine get weak and break. Small fractures might not cause pain at first, but they can lead to increased spinal deterioration, restricted mobility, and significant pain. 

Severe vertebral compression fractures can make standing or sitting for long periods of time painful. They can also make moving and walking painful. If left untreated long enough, compression fractures can cause permanent spinal deformity and nerve damage.

Board-certified anesthesiologist Dr. Jonathan Koning is an expert at diagnosing and treating vertebral compression fractures.  At his private practice, ReGen Pain Management, which has offices in Frisco and Plano, Texas, he regularly performs kyphoplasty and other treatments to reduce pain and restore spinal function. Read on to learn what happens before, during, and after kyphoplasty. 

What happens before kyphoplasty?

Vertebral compression fractures can cause similar symptoms to other back conditions, so Dr. Koning will likely order X-rays or an MRI to help confirm your diagnosis. In some cases, he may perform a bone density test and take blood work. 

If you have a serious, painful compression fracture that has developed in the last few months, Dr. Koning may recommend kyphoplasty. 

What happens during kyphoplasty?

When you come in for kyphoplasty, our team will prepare you for surgery. You’ll lay on your stomach during the procedure, and we’ll administer local or general anesthesia so you won’t feel any pain.

Once the anesthesia takes effect, Dr. Koning will make a small incision along your spine to reach your fractured vertebrae. With live X-ray imaging to guide him, he’ll use a needle to inject a small balloon into the vertebrae and carefully inflate it to restore the damaged vertebrae to its original height. 

Adding height with a balloon will increase space in your spinal canal and help prevent spinal deformity. Dr. Koning will then fill the space by injecting special bone cement to stabilize your spine. The cement will harden quickly, and Dr. Koning will conclude your surgery. If you’re getting only one vertebra treated, the procedure should take less than one hour.

What happens after kyphoplasty?

Immediately following your kyphoplasty, you’ll be moved to a recovery room for the anesthesia to wear off. Kyphoplasties are performed in an outpatient setting, so you’ll go home the same day.

It’s not unusual to experience some soreness in your back where NAME accessed your spine, but this should fade in a few days. Many patients notice that they have significantly less back pain immediately following the procedure than they did before surgery.

Be sure to follow Dr. Koning’s recommendations for recovery, including any follow-up appointments. You should also avoid strenuous activity to allow your spine time to heal.

If you’re suffering from back pain, it’s time to take action. Book a consultation at ReGen Pain Management today. Call the office at (469) 252-4777 or request an appointment online.

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